

I didn't realize until AFTER I took the photos that my focus was on manual, and of course I forgot to correct it.

Vintage Nordstrom Point of View dress, vintage Clarissa shoes

For once I actually let my hair be what it is naturally. It depends on my mood if I'm willing to walk out of the house with stringy waves, but I felt it looked okay this time :)
My mom dragged this dress out of our garage a few years ago and gave it to me- I actually forgot about it until I found it at the back of my closet a few days ago! Of course my brother had to insult me, his exact words were "Are you wearing a dress from the stone age?"

P.S. Remember a while back I mentioned my mom and I were making a blog to sell a ton of her vintage clothing? Well, we've been hard at work getting it ready, my BFF Taryn has been modeling for us, and we are almost ready to open! We have about 500 pieces, it's INSANE.



Anonymous said...

Very pretty dress :)

Meg said...

gorgeous! and I can't wait to see what the boutique will have?!

ABIGAIL NY said...

It's nice that you came out with the way your hair is naturally and I will say that I LOVE you hair color and hair :)
LOVE that dress and I don't know why, I'm so drawn to it!


Analisa said...

Whoa, 500 pieces?! Yeah I knew I wouldn't be a good model, you would've unintentionally murdered me, haha. Taryn is a waaay better choice than me :) Haha I can't wait to see what you guys have! And I love the electric blue dress!

Taryn said...

DUDE you need to get back on here and post more you goober <3 I always love your posts

emily said...

i love the colours! you look pretty :) xxx


Pretty Lil Birdie said...

love this vintage/retro look! x